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International Spring School on Visualization 2023

Maps, Warfare & News Coverage

The Spring School was held between May 3rd and 5th and was organized by the Department of Geoinformatics at Palacký University Olomouc. Over the 3-day period, knowledge was shared by a variety of experts. The topics covered included:

  • Geopolitics and Big Tech – Legitimizing Collaborations

  • American Czechs in World War II: The Benefits and Limits of User Participation and GIS

  • The War in Ukraine in Historical Perspective, Invasions, Media Coverage and European Security in the War Aftermath

  • Energy Security and Geopolitics in Contemporary Europe

  • Maps of Languages and their Dialects in Current Geopolitics

This course offered interdisciplinary learning with knowledge being shared about geopolitics, energy security, language, and visualization. The topics expounded on the current war between Russia and Ukraine, its history, and its implications. The Spring School delved into the role of big tech companies in geopolitics and by extension national defence, the energy situation in Europe and how it correlates with the ongoing war. The final presentation of the school focused on the mapping of languages or dialects and the relationship between language and war (or conflict).

Certificate of Completion

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